About Glór Uachtair Tíre
Established in 1993, Glór Uachtar Tíre is a voluntary group for the development of the Irish language in the greater Castlewellan area in south Co. Down. Glór Uachtar Tíre receives funding through Foras na Gaeilge's 'Scéim Phobal Gaeilge' allowing for the employment of a full-time Development Officer.
Uachtar Tíre was the name given to the area between Slieve Croob and Maghera up until the 15th Century. Today, Uachtar Tíre is an area with a vibrant and fast growing Irish speaking community and home to an excellent Gaelscoil. It's central location also makes it the the home of South Down's Irish-medium secondary school provision, drawing large numbers of young Irish speakers to the area on a daily basis.
Glór Uachar Tíre sees to serve the needs of this flourishing language community and foster further growth.